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Chaplain's Message

August 24, 2023
In many parts of Canada, summer 2023` has been the “summer that was”! We have faced fires, floods, pestilence , destruction of lands and buildings and loss of peoples’ lives! The disasters brought out both the best and worst in peoples’ behavior! And in case we were not there yet, the disasters challenged us to acknowledge climate change as a “real” thing!
Mostly we were not prepared – not for long power outages, not for being evacuated from our homes, not for the fear that escalated as time went on. Some of us were overwhelmed by what we didn’t know – about the force and power of moving water, about what household insurance covers (or doesn’t), about who are the resilient people in our families and communities.
Our Sunday lectionary gives us the gospel of Matthew to read weekly this year. The gospel of Matthew makes clear, especially in Chapter 25, that as followers of Jesus we have a responsibility to care for God’s people and for God’s creation.
When asked, “Why are you making meals, or organizing food gift cards, or helping agencies like United Way, the answer was and is, “Because Jesus told us to!” Many of us heard someone say something like, “I don’t know why you are doing this, but I thank you! I just really needed a hot cup of coffee!”
It is easy to get depressed by all the damage and all the losses when the weather continues to rage about us. Remember Jesus’ friend, Peter? As long as he focused on Jesus, he could walk through the storm. When he was distracted by the wind and the storm, he found himself sinking. Even then he could call out to Jesus, and Jesus’ saving hand was there!
So also for us – stay focused on Jesus – on his presence with us and on his expectations of us as his followers. In Canada, our seasons come and go. This summer of 2023 is passing. God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, remains, whatever weather we experience.
Thanks be to God!
In Jesus’ love.
The Right Reverend Sue Moxley
NS & PEI (Retired)