Lone Members

Members of Mothers' Union who live in areas without an active branch are part of a special group called Lone Members. Lone Members also includes the former Indoor Prayer Members. The Lone Members Coordinator makes sure these members receive their Canadian Mothers’ Union newsletters and are notified of all the latest programs and initiatives. The coordinator also keeps these members in her prayers. Lone members pay the membership dues of $35.

If you are a Mothers' Union member and are not connected to a branch, or, if you know someone who is not connected to a branch and might be interested in being in contact, please contact Daphne Hinds.

Daphne will be sending letters for the current Canadian Council. Please contact Daphne at info@canadianmothersunion.ca and provide the necessary information to become a Lone Member.

Daphne Hines
Daphne Hinds
Lone Members Coordinator

Mothers’ Union Online Meeting

Responding to a request from our Lone Members across Canada, an online Mothers’ Union meeting began in June of 2022. A member of the Canadian Council of the Mothers’ Union is appointed to act as liaison between the Online Group and the Council.

Members usually meet on the last Tuesday of the month at 4 pm Atlantic Time for about an hour from September to May. The meeting can take many forms but does include a time of prayer, a speaker or an activity on a topic of interest to the group and time for fellowship to get to know one another. Participants are Christians who adhere to the aims and purposes of the Mothers’ Union. One does not need to be a Lone Member to take part. An invitation to attend a meeting may be requested here info@canadianmothersunion.ca